outHEAR New Music Week
Symposium and Composer Masterclass
April 1st - April 10th, 2022
Municipal Conservatory of Larissa, Greece
Ensembles in residence
Ensemble Klangforum Wien: Sophie Schafleitner - violin, Dimitrios Polisoidis - viola, Gerald Preinfalk - saxophone,
Krassimir Sterev - accordion
PPCM: Gregory Chalier - flute/piccolo flute, Elena Arbonies Jauregui - clarinet/bass clarinet, Lea Moullet - violin,
Leo Morello - cello
Franck Bedrossian, University of Music and Performing Arts Graz
Dimitri Papageorgiou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Department of Music Studies
Orestis Toufektsis, University of Music and Performing Arts Graz
Our mission is to bring together promising composers from around the world in an inspiring environment, provide them with masterclasses and opportunities for the performance of their works, but also allow them to exchange knowledge and expertise. We strive to develop long-lasting personal relationships between lecturers, performers and participants and therefore let them profit from one another.
Join us!
Work with a world-renown guest ensemble and a visiting artist in rehearsing, reading, and performing your music.
Have the performance of your work recorded and videotaped.
One-on-one lessons and mentoring with faculty composers.
Attend the three-day symposium and share your artistic visions with your peers.
Attend presentations on instrumental techniques by the members of the Ensemble Klangforum Wien.
Making new friends and being part of a supportive artistic community.
Fellow composers have been selected through a Call for Applications.
outHEAR New Music Week is committed to promoting gender and ethnic diversity and inclusivity across its activities.
the artistic committee
Christos Lenoutsos, founder
Dimitri Papageorgiou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Orestis Toufektsis, University of Music and Performing Arts Graz
The outHEAR New Music Week, is an international symposium and master class for composition, featuring Ensemble Klangforum Wien in collaboration with four members of Performance Practice in Contemporary Music (PPCM) ensemble. Is organized by the Mayoralty of Culture and Sciences of the City of Larissa (Panos Sapkas, deputy mayor) and it is taking place from April 1st - April 10th, 2022 at the Municipal Conservatory of Larissa.
The outHear New Music Week was initiated by Christos Lenoutsos, pianist, and is co-organized by the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz, the Department of Music Studies of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. It is under the auspices of the Austrian Embassy in Athens, Greece.
The 3rd Edition of the outHEAR New Music Week is made possible with the friendly support of the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation.
The outHEAR Symposium and Master Class in composition is an intensive curriculum in composition. Our Composer Fellows work closely with the world-class performers of the Ensemble Klangforum Wien and distinguished faculty, Franck Bedrossian, Dimitri Papageorgiou, and Orestis Toufektsis, in one-on-one lessons and mentoring, masterclasses, coaching, rehearsals, discussions, and performances.
During the first three days, composer fellows and faculty will also present their artistic research at the Symposium, an opportunity for all participants to share with each other their unique perspective on composition, techniques, and innovations. During the week, the performers of the Ensemble Klangforum will offer workshops on extended instrumental techniques.
Photo by Kostas Mantziaris

Photo by Kostas Mantziaris